Shortfin Mako Shark
Average size between 180 cm and 250 cm, maximum total length about 400 cm, reaching 570 kg. Slender body, very hydrodynamic with a long and conical snout. Relatively small pectoral fins. Large first dorsal fin, minute second one. Crescendic caudal fin. Strong caudal fin on peduncle without secondary keels. Display metallic blue coloration with white ventral surface.
Prefer epipelagic and littoral waters from the surface down to at least 150 m. They have the tendency to follow warm water currents in their most northern and southern parts of their range during summer months. Probably the fastest shark species of all. When caught often leaps several times out of the water. Eats primarly fish such as mackerels, tunas, bonitos, anchovies, herrings, grunts, swordfishes, and even other sharks (e.g. blue sharks, requiem sharks, hammerheads). The very large animals develop very broad, more flattened and triangular upper teeth, probably used to dismember larger prey. This is impossible for smaller makos that possess more bladelike teeth.
Aplacental viviparity (ovoviviparity), embryos feed on eggs (oophagous). 8 to 16 pups per litter that show a fast growth rate. Size at birth about 70 cm. Birth takes places in open water. Males reach sexual maturity at a size of approximately 200 cm and 80 kg to 100 kg, females at approximately 280 cm and about 200 kg.
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