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Porbeagle Shark

Average size between 150 cm and 180 cm (135 kg), maximum length up to about 365 cm and 230 kg. Spindle-shaped, heavy built body. Moderately long conical snout. First dorsal fin is large, second one is minute. Large gill slits. Two pairs of caudal keels on peduncle whereas the lower pair is shorter than the top one. Display a blue-grey with a light ventral surface. Free rear tip of first dorsal fin is conspicuously white colored.

Abundant in littoral and epipelagic waters, mainly over the continental shelves. Porbeagles prefer waters of colder temperatures (under 18°C) and therefore do normally not occur in tropical and subtropical waters (only during winter months in the Mediterranean). Found mainly in surface waters down to about 350 m. A very active and fast swimming species. Porbeagles can be found singly or in feeding aggregations. Porbeagles are among the few fishes that exhibit apparent play behavior. There are reports, principally off the Cornish coast, of this species rolling and repeatedly wrapping itself in long kelp fronds near the surface; this activity may have an exploratory or self-stimulatory purpose, though alternately the shark may be attempting to feed on small kelp organisms or scrape off parasites. In addition, porbeagles within a group have been seen chasing each other, and they will reportedly "play with anything floating on the water": individuals have been observed prodding, tossing, or biting natural and artificial objects, including pieces of driftwood and balloon floats used by anglers. The porbeagle is an active predator that predominantly ingests schooling fishes such as mackerels, herrings, various gadoids (e.g cods, hakes etc.), small shark species (tope, dogfish) and squid.

Aplacental viviparity (ovoviviparity), embryos feed on eggs (oophagous). Almost allways 4 pups per litter. Gestation period is not known. Size at birth is between 60 cm to 75 cm. Pups show a fast growth and are born in pelagic waters. Females reach sexual maturity at about 150 cm (about 5 years old). 




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