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United States of America

The wrecks of North Carolina are well stocked with resident sand tigers sharks. Certain wrecks tend to have more sharks such as the "Carib Sea" and the Papoose. The sharks are very docile and easily approached with slow movements. No chum is used in these encounters. Divers explore the wrecks which are generally in the 15 to 40 meter depth range and as they move around each superstructure the sharks materialize out of the gloom. Generally they maintain a distance of a few meters but occasionally one will let a diver approach within a few inches. Their ability to maintain neutral buoyancy in the water column means that they can literally hang right in front of a diver without sinking until they choose to swim off. Although the sharks stay put for most of the year, the weather off of this coastline is prone to storms for much of the time which limits the shark diving to the summer months. The sharks also move from wreck to wreck so its possible to hit a wreck that is devoid of sharks sometimes.

Outer Banks

Sharks 4 Us

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